Rainy Days in Rome

The October trip started out with promise. I avoid Rome in the summer and generally travel in the spring or early fall. To my surprise, late October this year turned out to be very rainy, one day torrential rain poured drastically changing my plans. I prefer to stay...
Brand protection

Brand protection

A carefully conceived and designed brand defines a business. Branding from simplistic to cutting edge establishes an expectation of what customers can expect from your service or product. I’ve been thinking about the importance of branding and paying closer attention...

2016 a year in review

Last year was an exceptional year for food and travel. From crispy roast pork in Maui, to experiencing Ireland’s food evolution, magnificent lunch with a stunning view in Prague, almost fantastic mussels (actually more like salmon due to torrential rain and flooding)...

Pasta al Tonno

After a large poultry based Thanksgiving meal, I felt like eating something lighter but still filling. When I lived in Italy, my roommate Janet introduced me to a new dish. My mother never made tuna casserole because tuna was just meant for sandwiches according to her...